Technical specifications with a World Champion as coach and partner

52BA - - level 1

Procedures to bid a slam in NT
Statistically, to bid a slam in NT, the camp needs 33 points (HL) to have reasonable chances to make it. For a grand slam, you need 37 points.Slam sequences in NT SA are quantitative : The contract is bid based on the overall HCP count of the camp. One does not use controls or the Blackwood.If a partner is a point shy of bidding the slam, he invites his partner by using the 'useless' levels of 4NT or 5NT: If his partner is maximum, he accepts, if not, he refuses.
  • 4NT is a small slam invite : The partner rejects it by passing
  • 5NT is a grand slam invite : the partner rejects it by bidding the small slam.
The main slam sequences after a 1NT opening
  • In response to 1NT, 3 and 3 are slam bids showing a beautiful 6+cards suit
  • After a Stayman, if the responder bids the other major at level 3, he shows a fit in the opener's major and slam hopes
  • Bidding a control after the rectification of a transfer is also a slam invite
  • A contrario, after a stayman, if the fit has not been shown, 4NT is quanititative and not a Blackwood..