Technical specifications with a World Champion as coach and partner

73PC - Unblocking a suit - level 1

Unblocking a suit when playing NT.
It's very annoying not being able to use the hand with the leading cards! The danger is apparent when there's only one or two honors with no low cards. A suit can also be blocked when there are no low cards to keep communication open between the hands.You need to come across this problem often before finding a smart solution.
exercise q2769
Play the queen 1st so that you can make 3 tricks.
If you play the 7, you can never make your king ! (7 for the ace, then 6 for the queen ... and you can never cross to dummy to make your king).
The short hand
We call it the short hand, because it is the hand which has fewer cards in a suit.

  • In the example below, you are South and the Declarer of a NT contract. You are playing from your hand. Which is the 1st card card should you play, the King or the 2 ?

short hand :
Remember, you need to start by playing the honors from the short hand....
exercice q2770

You have to play the 2 to the ace, then the queen and then the 6 to the king

If you play the 6 for the king 1st, then you can never get back in hand to play your winning